Administrative processes related to admissionsUsed by:

In the admission process, admission and rejection letters are issued on the basis of the ranking lists drawn up in the selection process of applicants. The admission process is often divided into a main process, followed by a move-up procedure and a possible lottery procedure.
For each study program, as well as for specific admission categories, there are specific quotas. These are combined with the corresponding rank list. This means that each rank can be automatically assigned either "admitted" or "rejected". Thus, either completely automatically, or by a manual trigger, admission letters and rejection notices can be sent.
It is also possible to override quotas in anticipation of a certain amount of rejections of the students after offering them admission. This can either be done automatically by defining a desired number of admissions, or changed manually in the ranking list.
In the case of multiple degree programs, applicants go through a separate admission procedure for each program. In case of admission to one of the subjects, applicants only receive a "partial admission".
The admission letters, partial admission letters as well as rejection letters are issued automatically and send to the students mail address, as well as provided for download in the OpenCampus user account. In the case of rejections, the application may still qualify for a move-up procedure.
Admission is usually linked to a specific deadline for accepting or rejecting the offered spot in the course. As soon as a student rejects the offered admission, the next student in line can be instantly notified. In this way, the move-up procedure follows seamlessly in order to fill all study places as far as possible before the start of the study program.
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