Termination of Enrollment
This feature enables various de-registration processes that can be triggered by students as well as administrationUsed by:

De-Registration (also: exmatriculation) is the counterpart of enrollment and means the termination of the student's status. The termination of enrollment can occur for various reasons:
1) Ordinary de-registration: students submit a from to de-register themselves.
2) Termination of enrollment after graduation without special administrative action
3) Forced termination of enrollment: Eg. in the case of unpaid tuition or health insurance fees or if the
maximum number of semesters has been exceeded
1) To self-terminate their enrollment, students will find a category "Forms & Applications" in the personal area of their OpenCampus user account. Opening the form, it can be filled out and submitted digitally. The form can be customized according to the university's internal wishes. After submission, the request is digitally transmitted to the student administration and processed.
2) De-registration after successful completion of studies can be implemented automatic and goes without special administrative action.
3) Forced or compulsory termination of enrollment can be triggered automatically in various ways. For example, if tuition fees are not paid by a specified deadline even after a reminder, examinations failed or the students progress insufficient. The de-registration can also be implemented manually in case of given reason.
In any case, a certificate of de-registration and, if applicable, a certificate of no objection regarding examination eligibility will be generated for download in the student's personal area.
If the de-registration takes place within specific deadlines, a refund of already paid tuition fees can be made.
Depending on the university, de-registration may require specific proof, such as a discharge notice from the university library. All such rules can be easily added to the flexible form of de-registration.
Also available:
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.
Super feature, hat mir das Einrichten sehr erleichtert!
Musste nur die Gebühren anpassen und war fertig.