Withdrawal from enrollment
Application to cancel a place of study, also known as withdrawal from enrollment.Used by:

Students who are already enrolled can submit an application for withdrawal of their place of study within a specified period of time at the beginning of their studies. To do this, the appropriate form can be filled out and submitted online in the personal area of the user account.
Personal data such as name and matriculation number are pre-filled in the form in order to avoid duplicates. Further data can be adjusted according to the university's own specifications.
In most cases, such a withdrawal is also accompanied by a (partial) refund of fees. Once the application has been reviewed and approved, refunds can be triggered automatically.
In some circumstances, a postal return of the student ID is required. In this case, the request will not be approved until the student ID is received. It is also possible to check the student file to see if the student ID has already been mailed and if not, it can be withheld directly.