Student ID card
Interface to the card provider for smooth and automatic processesUsed by:

The student ID card has now become a multifunctional campus card: Proof of study, semester ticket, printing and copying, library card and canteen card all in one. This card can be used for payments as well by uploading money.
The student ID card itself is usually provided by third-party vendors. To avoid having to notify them manually for each new student, OpenCampus has created an interface. Through this API, a new order is displayed to the third party provider as soon as a newly enrolled student receives their campus email address after enrollment. The data such as name and matriculation number are read automatically. Depending on the manufacturer, the student ID card is then sent by mail, made available centrally in the student secretariat, or can be printed by the students themselves at a provided machine using a QR code.
While some universities already include the semester ticket in the tuition fees, at others an extra semester ticket can be purchased. This can be loaded onto the CampusCard after purchase.
To update the student IDcard for a subsequent semester, there are usually machines at the university that overwrite the validity date. Here, too, the OpenCampus interface is activated: as soon as the re-registration takes place, the card can be updated.
It is also possible to set up a guest card IDs in addition to the classic student ID card, for example if guest students would like to use the library and copy machines. For this purpose, an application for a guest card can be submitted during the application process for guest students. If necessary, this can be linked to fees. It is also possible for alumni to continue using their original student ID card with limited functions.