University entrance qualification
Separate verification of university entrance qualification in application processesUsed by:

University entrance qualifications can be various documents that qualify for university studies. In applications for university studies, the university entrance qualification is a prerequisite for admission. The verification of it is therefore an essential process for all applications to study programs.
The form for this usually consists of a list with selection options about the type of the university entrance qualification, the place and date of graduation and the grade.
For foreign students, additional documents such as a grading scale or recognition certificate can be requested.
An application for admission for persons without a common university entrance qualification can also be integrated.
There are also interfaces to applications that run through the DoSV, as well as to the outsourced recognition provider "Uniassist".
In the last step, the document upload, relevant evidence must be uploaded as PDF. This can either follow in the same form, or in the last step of the application as a collected upload of all required documents.
For Bachelor/Master applications, especially for multiple applications, the form can be placed before the subject-specific application form. In this way, the information on the university entrance qualification only has to be entered once and can be used for multiple applications.
Even in the case of a later application for a further degree program or a change of program within the same university, the data on the university entrance qualification does not have to be entered again.
For postgraduate application processes that also use the education background form, the university entrance qualification can be integrated into this and does not have to be queried separately. For some doctoral programs, the university entrance qualification is not requested at all, but only the relevant university degrees.
For degree programs with open admission, the application process is reduced to this form. After successful formal examination of the university entrance qualification, applicants can be enrolled directly.
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