Subject and job specific application forms
Flexible form for subject- or job-specific details in the application processUsed by:

In application processes, the subject or position-specific application form is arguably the centerpiece of any application. While other elements of the application process can apply to multiple applications, this one is designed to meet the requirements of a specific position.
Depending on the application profile, the form can be expanded or modified to include exchange students, guests students, junior students, or others.
Frequently, categories such as language skills, motivation, achievements, previous experience, research interests, additional qualifications and also publications are asked. It is especially important to develop a questionnaire that perfectly covers the requirements of the position or study place. There are no limits set and the flexible form can be easily expanded or edited.
There is also the option of integrating sub-processes here, for example, various special applications such as hardship cases or an application for a double degree and recognition of previous academic achievements. So-called "applicant switches" can be used to expand additional fields in the form if the applicant wishes to make such an application. Detailed information on how exactly these applications can look like can be found under the respective application categories.