Automated re-registration process, also referred to as re-enrollmentUsed by:

At German universities, re-registration is required after each semester in order to remain enrolled. The re-enrollment can be implemented fully digitally with this features, as soon as the students semester fees are received.
Re-registration is started at a set deadline. This means that students receive an automatic e-mail request to re-register and the open amount of tuition fees for the following semester now appears in their personal area. In order to re-register, students must pay the tuition fees due within the re-registration period. The open amount can be paid easily with the help of a QR code. As soon as the tuition fees have been paid, the status can be changed to "re-registered" fully automatically.
Reminder emails can be sent to students when the re-registration deadline is approaching. Late re-registration is usually accompanied by an overdue fine. The amount of that fine is then visible to students as an open amount in the fee account in addition to the semester fee. If the fees are not cleared by a set deadline, forced de-registration will follow.
Under certain unfulfilled conditions, a block to re-register may exist, which must be lifted before a student can re-enroll for the next semester. This can be the case if examination goals are not reached or in case of insufficient health insurance. For this purpose, there is an extra feature called re-registration barriers, which detects such reasons intelligently and warns students early on.
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.