Examination management
Feature for all processes related to examination administrationUsed by:

Exam administration is the collective term for all processes related to exams. This feature is the ideal companion for planning and implementing the most diverse forms of examinations - with minimal administrative effort.
All examinations scheduled in the course of study are defined in the examination regulations. They specify which examinations must be taken and to what extent or within what time frame. Rules on repeatability and requirements are also defined here. If an examination is created for a specific module or subject in the course of study, this information is automatically transferred. For all other examinations that are not assigned to a specific study module, this information can be entered manually.
The scheduling of exams supports overlap detection to avoid scheduling collisions. By accessing the room database, it is easy to filter for a suitable room. For oral exams, for example, multiple time slots can also be determined, which are automatically allocated to the students.
For exams that consist of a submission such as homework or essays, an online upload can simply be added. Examination files can be uploaded as PDF document. The upload can be blocked automatically after a specified deadline.
In addition, persons can be assigned to each exam in different roles, for example, examiner, minute taker or exam supervisor. These persons can also be given different permissions regarding the processing of the exam.
A stored list of rules can be accessed to determine an application and admission procedure for examinations. The list includes all standard rules and can also be extended manually.
The registration period for exams is defined in the basic semester settings. However, it can also be adjusted individually. The period also defines the latest date by which a registered examination can be withdrawn from.
For the examination office, there are also helpful views for examination administration. You get access the student data relevant for exam administration, such as the subject semester and degree programme, as well as registration and exam status, and can filter lists according to any criteria.
We also offer extra features for special types of examinations such as final theses or crediting of external examination achievements. The examination administration is followed by the feature for grading and achievement management.
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.