Room bookings
Booking of rooms for all types of events & issuing of room allocation plansUsed by:

Based on the room information maintained in the room database, a suitable room can be easily assigned when planning events. This feature covers not only room booking for courses, but also for continuing education, student workstations, or other types of room booking for individual events.
To find the right room for an event, there are extensive filter functions: In addition to the size and the date of the event, it is also possible, for example, to search by location and the equipment of the room.
When rooms are assigned to courses, they are usually booked immediately. An automatic overlap detection indicates if the selected room is already occupied for one of the dates of the event. It is also possible to display an automatic warning in case of long distances between rooms, if students can impossibly cover the distance between two lectures.
In the case of rooms for continuing education or other types of events outside the regular study program, room requests can be made to the administration. They can confirm the request or make a suggestion for another room.
It is also possible to book workstations or rooms for students. There are various options here: Either students can book a room or workstation directly and receive an automatic confirmation, or the request is first approved by the administration. It is also possible to store specific time slots, so that a room/workstation can only be booked by a person for a certain period. Students can also filter the available rooms, for example if they need it for a larger group or specific equipment such as musical instruments for rehearsal purposes.
A calendar view can be opened for each room. Here, all available time slots can be viewed. For example, in the case of a desired specific room, a new booking for the available period can also be added here in the calendar view. Calendar views for an entire building can also be displayed to find an available room in a specific location.
This results in a room booking plan for each room. This can also be made available for interfaces as a printout or in any other format.
It is also possible to supplement a room booking with our extra feature by booking additional mobile equipment items.
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.