Application for higher semesters
Integration of different forms of applications to higher semesters into the standard application procedureUsed by:

An application for a higher semester is either due to an interruption of studies, a lateral entry, or a change of university. Continuing students who have already been enrolled in the same subject at the same university with unrestricted admission, or students who have made a lateral entry into subjects with unrestricted admission, do not have to reapply, but can apply for admission under "Change of Subject". Applicants from other universities or applications from higher semesters for courses with restricted admission, however must go through an application procedure. These and any other regulations can be defined in the application process for higher semesters and the corresponding applicants for "change of subject"-category can be forwarded there.
The application for higher semesters is integrated in the application procedure. Additional fields are expanded when the application type for a higher semester is selected. The process is usually supplemented by a recognition procedure for previous academic achievements in addition to the regular selection procedure for the respected degree program. Depending on the course of study, this can take place either before or after the application procedure. The previous study achievements can be uploaded as PDF in order to carry out a check for the recognition of the examination credits.
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.