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A guest study program allows visiting students (also known as guest auditors) to attend selected courses at the university without being enrolled. A guest study program is usually formally identical to a senior study program, but the latter may have further specified peculiarities.
The application for a guest study is made in the common application process. The role "guest student" can be selected right at the beginning, whereupon the entire application process is adapted to it. For this purpose, a separate application form for the role of guest students is configured with the university's internal requirements. All other formal rules for a guest student, such as participation requirements and fees, can also be defined there. If the guest study program requires a university entrance qualification, the university entrance qualification feature can be easily integrated into the application process. Alternative admission requirements can be determined as well.
At the course management level, courses can be defined as open for guests by the instructors. The course catalog can be filtered for courses that are open to visiting students - this results in the visiting students course catalogue. Usually this is publicly available and visible in a list view for guest students when applying. Thus, it is possible to select in the application form itself which courses one would like to attend. Depending on the configured rule for course booking, guest students are automatically booked into the selected courses after successfully applying. They then receive the same access rights to materials for this course as regular students.