Manage undergraduate & postgraduate admission processesUsed by:

Wether receiving applications by UCAS or through you institutions in-house application portal, the core of a successful admission process is the efficient and fair selection of promising candidates. As the amount of applications constantly rises and more and more students obtaining higher and higher grades, it is useful to create your own multilayered admission process to effectively filter the applicants. This feature thus provides you with the flexible base to create your own unique admission process. By guaranteeing transparency at all time and reducing barriers, the admission process is student-oriented and inclusive. Despite the high flexibility to adapt the processes easily, defined rules and consistent selection methods make this admission process inherently fair and highly professional.
By configuring scales and setting up rules, the evaluation of applications can be automated in large parts. For example, all candidates which don't meet you institutions admission criteria can be automatically sorted out. Applications can not only be ranked by grades, but all the other criteria such as extracurriculars, references, experience and the personal statements can be evaluated by scores as well. Also social factors or minorities can be included as ranking categories to help diversifying higher education. By giving different factors different values, a total score can be automatically calculated for all evaluated applications. On the basis of this ranking list, students can be automatically informed about their status: Conditional offer, unconditional offer or decline.
Some Institutions prefer to add additional steps in their admission process, such as personal interview, admissions test or samples of written work. You can easily add any such categories at any level of the admission process: Everyone can be asked to submit additional documents, or only after successfully completing a first round of evaluation, selected candidates can be asked for additional admission procedures. For this purpose, also have a look at our features for interviews and..
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.