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Teaching stuff file

Management of teachers data from basic informations up to the public teacher profile
This feature was submitted by
magdalena.warner on Thu, 10/03/2022 - 08:43

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The teacher data is divided into three different views: A personal user account of the teachers, a view for the administration and a public profile:



User accounts for teachers are created by the university during the onboarding process. If the university carries out application procedures for teachers via OpenCampus, the data from the application can automatically be converted to a teachers file. Basic data such as contact details, highest university degree and bank details as well as tax number are stored in the user account. A photo can also be uploaded. This data can always be updated by teachers through a self-service function.

The administration supplements this profile with information that is reserved for the administration: The role selection for the permission management, the number of hours and, in the case of lecturers, the hourly rate for remuneration. Information on substitutions for certain functions and relationships with other persons can also be added. These details are visible to the teachers, but cannot be changed.

For the public profile, in addition to the name, photo and contact details, other relevant information such as office hours, office, research interests and focal points are provided. This data can be maintained by the lecturers themselves, but can also be supplemented by the administration. In addition, in the case of a cross-institutional publication list, the person's new publications can always be automatically added here through an interface.