Educational background form in applications
Form for the documentation of the educational path in application processesUsed by:

The detailed description of the educational background of applicants is an important component for all postgraduate application processes as well as for jobs in the university.
In the case of multiple applications, this form can be placed at the beginning of the application process so that it only needs to be completed once and can be used for multiple applications.
The flexible form is usually designed in such a way that any number of entries can be made in order to accurately record the individual educational background of applicants.
The first step is the selection of already acquired degrees (BA, MA, PhD,..), whereupon the subsequent columns of the choice are adjusted accordingly. Usually, this is followed by information about the course of study, the place and institution of the degree obtained, start and end date or intended end date, grade, as well as other possible details such as the title of the thesis or supervisor. Additional choices can be added such as a question about semesters abroad or interruptions in studies. Any number of entries can be added to record all degrees started and completed by the applicant.
Evidence of degrees earned, transcripts of records, and grading scales or recognitions and translations of foreign degrees can either be uploaded as PDFs directly following each entry, or collectively at the end of the application form.
The feature also interfaces with Uniassist for educational foreigners.
There is also the option to request further details such as research interests, scholarships, practical experience, exchange programs, internships, and more. In most cases, however, this application-specific information is only requested in the subject-specific or job-specific application form. This division allows the general educational path to apply to multiple applications, where, on the other hand, specific projects or interests within the course of study are recorded in relation to a specific course/position.