Examination regulations & tree structure of degree programs
Feature for the flexible, fully digital administration of examination regulations as well as the modelling of various degree programme models in so-called degree programme trees.Used by:
The examination regulations describe the planned course of a degree programme in terms of form, structure and content. Mostly, this are extensive text documents until now, which aren't easy to change. Once the content is transferred to OpenCampus, a fully digital examination regulations management is possible. The digital form offers a particularly high degree of flexibility to implement a wide variety of structures according to the requirements of the degree programme. To facilitate the administration and editing of examination regulations, individual modules, sections or courses can be copied and moved and can also be used for several examination regulations. Each module is also assigned a detailed module description in the module handbook.
A template can be used to create new examination regulations. You can also create your own templates.
While the examination regulations are the textual legal basis of a degree programme, the programme tree-structure is the technical basis for all administrative processes in OpenCampus. The study information and rules are prepared in such a way that actions can be triggered automatically. All course administration, examination administration and credit entry processes are carried out on this basis.
In so-called programme trees, all study modules are each assigned to a digital container. The tree is usually structured hierarchically and divided into different levels, such as elective and compulsory areas. The programme trees can also technically represent dynamic and flexible programme models. For example, individual modules can be assigned to different degree programmes at the same time or partial credits can be credited to different modules. In principle, data can be transferred to other degree programmes, which makes processes much more easy.
Changes and corrections within an examination regulation can be made at any time in the corresponding degree programme tree. Fundamental changes and restructuring of a degree programme, for example in the context of re-accreditation, require the creation of another degree programme tree. Old examination regulations continue to be used until the specified retention period.
In the individual containers within the hierarchical tree structure, detailed information, rules and conditions are stored for the relevant module. These include:
For modules and superordinate categories:
- Define all associated sub-modules, rules to calculate module scores, conditions for examinations, grading scales as well as participation requirements for a module.
At the level of single events:
- Type of score: pass/fail or a grade entry.
- Rules for possible attendance checks
- Hours per week
- ECTS points
- Maximum number of participants
- For which semester
- How many courses in the case of multiple courses
- Compulsory course or elective course
Based on this defined structure, study plans can be created automatically. A particular advantage is the seamless link with the course and examination administration. In this way, courses and examinations can be easily assigned to the corresponding elements of the degree programme structure and the given rules and data are automatically adopted.
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.