Performance management
Feature for the booking and documentation of examination achievementsUsed by:

Along with different forms of examinations, there are also different examination services. Performance management refers to all the processes that range from the recording, booking and documentation to the publication of examination performances.
The booking of examination results is done via a list for the performance input of all persons registered for the examination. This can either contain a grade entry or the selection of "passed" and "failed". This list can be edited and saved at any time. The grades are not published until they have been actively released. The examination results are then automatically posted. Additional fields can be added for feedback, which is sent to the examinees upon publication.
Students can automatically receive a notification as soon as the results are available. In case of failure, (individual) dates for re-examinations can be entered and sent.
The automatic grade calculation summarises module grades according to the rules defined in the examination regulations. All submitted grades can be viewed in a performance overview - both by the examination office and the students. For the administration, additional details such as the form in case of an external credit transfer can be displayed. For students, additional documents such as a module description can be accessible.
The examination process for students can be made visually appealing and clear with helpful icons: For example, a tick mark for exams that have been passed, a processing symbol for results that are still pending and a clock for exams that have not yet been taken. The actual and target total score as well as a current grade point average can also be displayed.
Transcripts of Records, individual module certificates or any other documents can be created fully automatically on the basis of the grade booking.
Also available:
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.