Integrated degree programm
Management of student lifecycle of integrated/ dual degree programsUsed by:

This feature is an extension for the administrative processes of integrated degree programs. It covers all levels of the student lifecycle: from application to de-registration.
Integrated study programs in Germany are characterized by a combination of studies and vocational training or work experience. The entire study program is divided into practical and theoretical phases.
Application: The application procedure can easily be adapted: For example, a work contract with the partner for vocational training can be added as admission requirement. Other additional categories can be specified. For integrated degree programs, an extra template for application forms can also be saved.
Admission: Just as specific admission requirements are checked for various bachelor's and master's degree programs, an adapted selection process can be configured for integrated applications.
Study types: When planning a new or restructuring an integrated degree program, any study models can be configured. Based on the examination regulations, multiple options for different rotation cycles of vocational training and studies can be implemented. Even the same study programs can be managed in different cycles simultaneously.
Examinations: In addition to theoretical examinations, other examinations such as employer's certificates, work experience reports, self-assessments or hours of work, can be defined as examination type. Also, we have a special Feature for collaborative grading processes, which can be used if the employers and university both are mutually ranking students work.
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.