Account & payment requests
Issue payment requests for tuition fees and settle payments in the user-specific accountUsed by:

When students are admitted to the program or for the new semesters re-registration, payment requests are issued to all students. These can be made automatically based on the program-specific fee models and the role of the student. In the course of this, students can also receive an automatically generated e-mail with a request for payment.
In the personal area of all students accounts the payment section can be found. If there is an open debt, it is listed here. To settle a debt, students can easily pay via QR code. In this way, payments are automatically assigned and the error rate is reduced.
Payments received can be imported from the financial system into OpenCampus via an interface and automatically allocated. Intelligent list views highlight shortfalls. These can trigger either a demand for additional payment or a repayment.
If tuition fees are not paid on time, an automatic reminder will be sent with notice of de-registration and a late fee will be charged. This will also be displayed to the student in the fee account. If the fees are not paid on time, an automatic de-registration will be triggered.