Campus Reporting
All-encompassing data management for data collection, evaluation, storage and more.Used by:

How many students are there actually? In which semesters? And how many of them complete their studies in what time? Such university statistics are not only relevant for the official reports, but also for the university itself. With this feature, you can export lists at the push of a button, create any reports you want, generate automatic reports through templates, model developments and graphically process data. The extensive reporting capabilities, which encompass the entire campus, help with decision-making and forecasting, and ultimately with quality assurance for the university. The great flexibility in OpenCampus offers you individualized reporting tailored to your needs for a professional university management.
All standard reports can be saved as report templates and generated automatically. Reports can be created manually, or generated automatically at set intervals, such as monthly or by semester. Any templates can be created, saved and edited at any time.
Developments can also be shown on the basis of data collected over a longer period of time. Likewise, any number of data sets can be analyzed using a comparison function. In this way, data can not only be collected, but also efficiently evaluated.
Tools for graphical processing are available for the presentation of data. Whether a classic bar or column chart, pie chart or flowcharts - the desired representation can be easily implemented. Colored visualizations also help in data preparation.
Data, lists and reports can be exported in all common formats. Data records can be filtered for export according to any criteria.
Data can be digitally transmitted to the appropriate reporting agencies.
All data records can be archived in accordance with legal requirements by determining an archiving path, and can be automatically deleted after a prescribed period.
External data can also be integrated into reports via an interface. In general, OpenCampus has great flexibility to integrate data from various external systems, such as financial accounting.
Also available:
All listed features are optional and may be configured to your needs.